Toyosu Market, the world’s largest wholesale market【Japan travel】

Did you know that Tokyo is also famous for its rich food culture? One of the must-visit destinations for international visitors to Tokyo is the Toyosu Market. Known as a wholesale market for seafood and agricultural products, the Toyosu Market is not only a place where foodstuffs are purchased, but also a tourist attraction that attracts many domestic and international visitors. It is a perfect place especially for those who love sushi! In this article, I will introduce some of the highlights of the Toyosu Market.

Toyosu Market was once located in a place called Tsukiji, but was relocated to Toyosu in 2018. It is reputed to be the world’s best place to trade marine products, and is visited by many food professionals and tourists as well. Tourists can enjoy delicious gourmet food such as fresh sushi and seafood bowls, as well as shopping that is unique to the Toyosu Market. In addition, visitors can observe the auction, or auctioneering, where products are auctioned off at the market by professionals. The most popular event is the tuna auction, which starts early in the morning. If you are a morning person, you should definitely try to watch the tuna auction. In this market, there are spots where you can take pictures and exhibits where you can learn about the market, but you must remember that Toyosu Market is a place where food professionals gather to work. Let’s protect Japan’s wonderful food culture by following rules and manners.

There are also various other tourist attractions in the vicinity of Toyosu Market. Among them is Urban Dock Lalaport Toyosu, a large shopping mall with about 180 stores. If you visit Toyosu Market, be sure to visit Lalaport as well. I am sure you will have a fulfilling time there.


Short walk from Shijo-mae Station on the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line (Yurikamome)  *General visitors are not allowed to enter the market by car, so please use nearby parking if you use your car.

Toyosu Market is a wonderful place that attracts attention not only from Japan but from around the world. General visitors can also enjoy and appreciate Japan’s proud food culture. Please be sure to observe the rules and manners when visiting so that the culture will be preserved for future generations forever. Thank you for reading to the end!




また、豊洲市場周辺(とよすしじょうしゅうへん)には他(ほか)にもさまざまな観光地(かんこうち)があります。中(なか)でも「アーバンドック(あーばんどっく) ららぽーと豊洲(とよす)」は約180店舗(やくひゃくはちじゅってんぽ)が入(はい)っている大型(おおがた)ショッピングモール(しょっぴんぐもーる)です。豊洲市場(とよすしじょう)を訪(おとず)れた際(さい)はぜひららぽーとにも訪(おとず)れてみてください。充実(じゅうじつ)した時間(じかん)を過(す)ごせると思(おも)います。


東京臨海新交通臨海線(とうきょうりんかいしんこうつうりんかいせん)(ゆりかもめ)「市場前駅(しじょうえきまえ)」すぐ。 ※一般来場者(いっぱんらいじょうしゃ)は車(くるま)で市場内(しじょうない)に入(はい)ることが出来(でき)ないため、車(くるま)を利用(りよう)する際(さい)は近(ちか)くのパーキング(ぱーきんぐ)をご利用(りよう)ください。


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