Cherry Blossom Forecast for Japan in 2024【Japan travel】

Cherry blossoms are one of the symbols of Japan and very special to Japanese people. In Japan, graduation ceremonies are generally held in March and entrance ceremonies in April, so cherry blossoms blooming at this time signify “parting” and “meeting”. Anyway, today I would like to share the blooming forecast for 2024. If you are visiting Japan in spring, why don’t you enjoy the cherry blossoms?

Cherry Bloom Forecast

Weathernews, Inc. released the “Fourth Cherry Bloom Forecast” in February, 2024. According to the forecast, the first cherry blossoms are expected to bloom in Tokyo on March 18, 2024, a little earlier than usual in many places this year. Depending on the region, cherry blossoms will be in full bloom about a week after the blooming, and will fall about a week after that. Since beautiful cherry blossoms can be seen only for a very short period of time, timing is really important to enjoy them in Japan.You can see the forecast of the blooming of cherry blossoms in Japan at the website.


Hanami is a traditional event in Japan where people lay picnic mats under cherry trees, bring their own food, and enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms with family and friends. Hanami can be enjoyed not only during the daytime, but also at night under illuminated cherry trees. In Japan, this is called “Yozakura”. Around the areas where hanami is permitted, mobile stores called “Yatai” (food stalls) line the streets, where you can enjoy delicious food and drinks under the cherry blossoms.

Things to keep in mind : In order to enjoy hanami in a pleasant manner, you need to follow the rules. Some places require an admission ticket and some prohibit the bringing of alcohol, so please  research before you go. Also, please put your garbage in the trash can. I appreciate your cooperation in protecting the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Famous Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots in Japan

There are many famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. Among them, here are two recommended spots in Tokyo.

1) Ueno Onshi Park|Taito-ku, Tokyo

Ueno Onshi Park  has about 800 cherry trees. In spring, the park is crowded with many cherry blossom viewers. The area around Ueno Station(the nearest station from the park) has also a zoo, art galleries, and museums, so you can enjoy them as well.

2)Shinjuku Gyoen|Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Shinjuku Gyoen has approximately 1,000 cherry trees. About 65 different types of cherry trees are planted, allowing visitors to enjoy difference of their shapes and colors. To avoid crowds, reservations are required on certain days, so please check the official website.

Today, I have shared with you the forecast of cherry blossom blooming in Japan. There are many wonderful places in Japan where you can see cherry blossoms, so if you visit Japan in spring, please enjoy the beautiful scenery. I also recommend that you experience hanami (cherry blossom viewing), which many Japanese people enjoy. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this article to the end.




株式会社(かぶしきがいしゃ)ウェザーニュース(うぇざーにゅーす)は、2024年2月28日(にせんにじゅうよねん にがつ にじゅうはちにち)、「第四回桜開花予想(だいよんかいさくらかいかよそう)」を発表(はっぴょう)しました。それによると、最初(さいしょ)に桜(さくら)が開花(かいか)するのは3月18日(さんがつじゅうはちにち)の東京(とうきょう)だと予測(よそく)されています。2024年(にせんにじゅうよねん)は例年(れいねん)よりも少(すこ)し早(はや)い開花(かいか)を迎(むか)える場所(ばしょ)が多(おお)いです。地域(ちいき)にもよりますが、桜(さくら)は開花(かいか)から1週間(いっしゅうかん)ほどで満開(まんかい)になり、その後(ご)1週間(いっしゅうかん)ほどで散(ち)っていきます。綺麗(きれい)な桜(さくら)を見(み)ることができるのは、非常(ひじょう)に短期間(たんきかん)のため、日本(にほん)の桜(さくら)を楽(たの)しむためにはタイミング(たいみんぐ)が重要(じゅうよう)です。全国(ぜんこく)の開花予想(かいかよそう)はホームページ(ほーむぺーじ)から見(み)ることができます。



注意(ちゅうい)すること : お花見(はなみ)を気持(きも)ちよく楽(たの)しむには、ルール(るーる)を守(まも)る必要(ひつよう)があります。入場(にゅうじょう)チケット(ちけっと)が必要(ひつよう)な場所(ばしょ)や、アルコール(あるこーる)の持(も)ち込(こ)みが禁止(きんし)されているところもあるため、事前(じぜん)にリサーチ(りさーち)してから行(い)きましょう。また、お花見(はなみ)で出(で)たゴミ(ごみ)は指定(してい)のゴミ箱(ごみばこ)に捨(す)てるか、持(も)ち帰(かえ)りましょう。美(うつくしい)しい桜(さくら)を守(まも)るため、皆(みな)さんのご協力(きょうりょく)に感謝(かんしゃ)します。



①上野恩賜公園(うえのおんしこうえん) 東京都台東区(とうきょうとたいとうく)


② 新宿御苑(しんじゅくぎょえん) 東京都新宿区(とうきょうとしんじゅくく)

