Nemophela Season in Japan【Japan travel】

Many people think of cherry blossoms when they think of spring flowers in Japan, but also, nemophora is another beautiful flower that blooms in spring. Generally, the season is from April to May. There are many places in Japan where you can see nemophilas, and this time I will introduce three places where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of numerous nemophilas blooming and turning the whole area blue.

(1) National Showa Memorial Park (Tokyo): National Showa Memorial Park is known as a famous flower spot, where nemophilas bloom in spring. In that season, the park is in full bloom with 1.8 million nemophilas! The sight of the nemophilas covering the vast park grounds is breathtaking. The best time to visit is from late April to mid-May. It is also easy to get to from Shinjuku Station and Tokyo Station.

(2) Osaka Maishima Seaside Park (Osaka Prefecture): At Osaka Maishima Seaside Park, you can see a wonderful view created by the blue of the sky, the sea, and nemophilas. The park also offers blue soft-serve ice cream, blue parfaits, and blue juices, making it a great place to enjoy gourmet food.

(3) Hitachi-Keihin Park (Ibaraki Prefecture): Hitachi-Keihin Park is also known as a beautiful park with many flowers: from mid-April to early May, a vast expanse of nemophilas bloom, creating a blue carpet-like landscape. Like Osaka Maishima Seaside Park, visitors can enjoy the blue of the sky, sea, and flowers all at once.

The blooming time of nemophila varies slightly from year to year, so please do your research in advance so that you can go at the best time.

If you go to a place where many nemophilas are in bloom, you will probably want to take pictures. At that time, I recommend you to wear white clothes. I think white clothes go perfectly with light blue nemophila. If you are not sure what to wear, why don’t you try it?



①国営昭和記念公園(こくえいしょうわきねんこうえん)|東京都(とうきょうと) : 国営昭和記念公園(こくえいしょうわきねんこうえん)は、花(はな)の名所(めいしょ)として知(し)られており、春(はる)にはネモフィラ(ねもふぃら)が咲(さ)き誇(ほこ)ります。その数(かず)なんと180万本(ひゃくはちじゅうまんぼん)!ネモフィラ(ねもふぃら)が広大(こうだい)な敷地(しきち)を覆(おお)い尽(つ)くす様子(ようす)は圧巻(あっかん)です。見頃(みごろ)は4月下旬(しがつげじゅん)~5月中旬(ごがつちゅうじゅん)です。新宿駅(しんじゅくえき)や東京駅(とうきょうえき)から行(い)きやすいのも魅力(みりょく)です。

②大阪(おおさか)まいしまシーサイドパーク(しーさいどぱーく)大阪府(おおさかふ) : 大阪(おおさか)まいしまシーサイドパーク(しーさいどぱーく)では、空(そら)・海(うみ)・ネモフィラ(ねもふぃら)という青(あお)が作(つく)り出(だ)す素晴(すば)らしい景色(けしき)を見(み)ることができます。青(あお)にちなんで、パーク(ぱーく)内(ない)ではブルー(ぶるー)のソフトクリーム(そふとくりーむ)やパフェ(ぱふぇ)、ジュース(じゅーす)が売(う)られており、グルメ(ぐるめ)も楽(たの)しむことができます。

③ひたち海浜公園(かいひんこうえん)茨城県(いばらきけん) : ひたち海浜公園(かいひんこうえん)は、ネモフィラ(ねもふぃら)のほかにも多(おお)くの花(はな)が咲(さ)く美(うつく)しい公園(こうえん)です。4月中旬(しがつちゅうじゅん)~5月上旬(ごがつじょうじゅん)にはネモフィラ(ねもふぃら)が広大(こうだい)な敷地(しきち)で咲(さ)き誇(ほこ)り、青(あお)いカーペット(かーぺっと)のような景色(けしき)が広(ひろ)がります。大阪(おおさか)まいしまシーサイドパーク(しーさいどぱーく)同様(どうよう)、空(そら)・海(うみ)・花(はな)の青(あお)を一度(いちど)に堪能(たんのう)することができます。



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